Text properties

The Property inspector displays and enables you to change the formatting attributes of text selected in the Document window. Also use text properties to specify links and targets for selected text.

Place the cursor in a text block to view text properties in the Property inspector. The Property inspector initially displays the most commonly used properties. Click the expander arrow in the lower right corner to see all properties.

See also Formatting overview.

Format applies the selected tag to the text. Heading styles are used to apply a standardized hierarchical structure to formatted text. The smaller the number of the heading, the bigger the heading will be. For example, <H1> describes the largest heading.

Font combination applies the selected font combination to the text. Browsers render text using the first font in the combination that is installed on the user's system. Default specifies the default font for the HTML tag used for the selected text.

Size applies either an absolute font size (1 through 7) or a font size relative to the BASEFONT size (+/- 1 through +/- 7 with the default being 3). You can also enter an exact point size, such as 24.

Bold and Italic apply the respective style.

Left, Center, and Right alignment apply the respective alignment.

Link makes the selected text a hyperlink to the specified URL. Type the URL or click the folder icon to browse to and select a page in your site.

Target specifies a frame in which the linked page is loaded. The names of all the frames in the current document appear on the list. If the specified frame does not exist, the linked page loads into a new window that has the name you specified. Once this window exists, other files can be targeted to it. You can also choose from the following reserved target names:

_blank loads the linked file into a new, unnamed browser window.
_parent loads the linked file into the parent frameset or window of the frame in which the link is contained. If the frame containing the link is not nested, then the linked file loads into the full browser window.
_self loads the linked file into the same frame or window as the link. This target is implied, so it generally need not be specified.
_top loads the linked file into the full browser window, thereby removing all frames.

Text Color renders the text in the selected color. Select a browser-safe color by clicking the chip, or enter a hex value (for example #FF0000) into the adjacent text box.

Table Cell, Table Col, and Table Row opens Table Cell Properties, Table Column Properties, and Table Row Properties, respectively. These buttons are available if the current selection is a table cell. See Formatting rows, columns, or cells.

List Item opens List Properties. See List properties.

Increase/Decrease Row/Column Span add or remove cells from the current column or row. These buttons are available if the current selection is a table cell. See Changing row or column span.

Indent and outdent indents or removes indentation from the selected text by applying or removing the <BLOCKQUOTE> tag. In a list, indenting creates a nested list and removing the indentation unnests the list.